Grip Materials

In every one of our packages you are offered your choice of grips. You can have grips from plain "plastic" type grips to exotic woods, laminates, and infused wood. It's all up to you. Our Mongolian stag is extremely popular. And every set is different and unique. Here are some examples of Mongolian stag, which is priced at $250.
Your custom grips can also be in laminated form. These are extremely nice and extremely strong. Laminated wood will be almost unbreakable. Here are some laminated grips. $150
We also have additional laminated grip materials. Use the grip material number under the material to order the grips.
If you lean toward the exotic woods then we have these too.  Most of the exotic wood grips are $150.

For durability Corian grips are hard to beat. They come in various colors, of which the black and Ivory are the most popular.  $150

1911 Grips

 Laminated and Corian grips $100, Mongolian Stag grips $200